Account query
API endpoints
- POST qrylknew
Retrieves user account information.
This endpoint provides access to the user encryption key, which is required to make most authenticated API requests.
- Request encryption
- Request JSON Object
acct (string) – The user’s account name.
- Response JSON Object
fn (string) – The user’s first name.
ln (string) – The user’s last name.
dl (list of user-encrypted base64 of door lock object) – A list of the user’s
door lock
s.key (anonymous-encrypted base64) – The user’s 3DES encryption key.
Example request
{ "acct": "" }
Example response
{ "cod": "200", "fn": "John", "ln": "Doe", "dl": [ "ZW5jcnlwdGVkX2Rvb3JfbG9ja19kYXRhX2Jhc2U2NA==" ], "rflist": [], "zone": "61", "key": "ZW5jcnlwdGVkX3VzZXJfa2V5X2Jhc2U2NA==", "uuid": "2a47c50c658c44a0bc123082d9bb3673", "rn": 2, "pr": [ { "address": "", "createDate": "1660100133", "createDates": null, "id": 123456, "name": "Home", "prStatus": "O", "room": [ { "createDate": "1660100133", "createDates": null, "id": 789012, "prStatus": "O", "propertyId": 345678, "roomName": "Front Door" } ] } ], "ct": [] }
Data structures
- ANY door_lock
- JSON Parameters
propertyId (int) – The property identifier.
roomId (int) – The room identifier.
ID (string) – The door lock identifier.
na (string) – The door lock name.
tz (string) – The door lock time zone.
hubver (string) – The Wi-Fi hub firmare version.
mod (string) – The Wi-Fi hub model name.
fwv (string) – The door lock firmware version.
autoLock (int) – The door lock auto-lock timeout, in seconds.
blename (string) – The door lock human-readable Bluetooth name.
hubid (string) – The Wi-Fi hub identifier.
iotdm (string) – The Wi-Fi hub’s IoT device management name.
iotsecret (string) – The Wi-Fi hub’s IoT device management secret.
iotprodkey (string) – The Wi-Fi hub’s IoT device management product key.
iothost (string) – The Wi-Fi hub’s IoT device management hostname.
usrarr (user object) – A list of known users.
{ "propertyId": 123456, "roomId": 789012, "pcStatus": "Y", "paymentType": 0, "ledPush": "N", "secureLightInd": 0, "keepUnlockFlag": 0, "unlockStartTime": "", "unlockEndTime": "", "screenVerNum": "", "ID": "300030001234567890123456", "na": "Front Door", "tz": "+10:00", "hubver": "", "mc": "12345678", "secondAdm": "N", "hc": "123456", "mod": "PGD628FN", "fwv": "3.02.63", "autoLock": 10, "audio": "Y", "pinCrazy": "N", "serialNum": "", "salesChnl": "", "bleSound": "Y", "otlkmod": 0, "p2pdid": "", "p2ppw": "", "gwver": "0", "camver": "0", "lkmver": "2.02.55", "lksver": "0", "blename": "LOCKLYAA00BB11", "sfwv": "2.02.55", "rfId": "", "camModel": "", "gwModel": "", "lockingMode": "2", "fpVer": "", "hubid": "A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7", "iotdm": "M2T200112233", "iotsecret": "aa00bb11cc22dd33ee44ff55aa66bb77", "iotprodkey": "x0y1z2z3y4f", "iothost": "", "usrarr": [ { "dutype": "F", "pid": 1, "fn": "John", "ekeyType": "", "ln": "Doe", "subadm": "N", "oacpriv": "N", "fpId": "" }, { "dutype": "P", "pid": 1, "fn": "John Jr", "ekeyType": "", "ln": "Doe", "subadm": "N", "oacpriv": "N", "fpId": "" } ] }